Pas de deux - Babs Haenen & Beppe Kessler in Dialogue

du 6 au 30 mai 2021
Taste Contemporary

Taste Contemporary is proud to present Pas de Deux - an exhibition of work by two Dutch artists - Babs Haenen & Beppe Kessler.

The ceramic work of artist Babs Haenen is typified by expressive and impressionistic qualities where colour, line and form all play an equal part..  Beppe Kessler’s work with textiles has influenced her explorations of materials and led her to create many intriguing and unique forms.

Jeudi et Vendredi: 10.00 - 12.00 et 13.30 - 18.30
Autres jours sur rendez-vous

Taste Contemporary
Rue Abraham Constantin 6
1206 Genève

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